5 Workplaces That Require Flame-Retardant Uniform Jackets

Retardant Uniform Jackets

There are emergencies when flame-resistant (FR) clothing determines the fate of the employees involved. Many workplace accidents would have ended in irreversible disasters if not for the flame-retardant uniform jackets worn by the employees at the time of the safety incident.

A flame-retardant safety gear is made using inherently fire-resistant fabric or flame-retardant-treated (FRT) fabrics that self-extinguish fire after the removal of ignition sources such as electric arc, open flame, or fumes. It is best to know the jobs or workplaces requiring employees to protect themselves with FR uniform jackets.

1. Welders and Fabricators

Welders and fabricators work with metals daily by default. This can be an unpredictable kind of job because there is always danger lurking behind. Many fire-causing agents become hazards when smelting, casting, welding or cutting are done at a welding or fabrication workplace. The work involves frequent high-temperature use. Hot sparks can suddenly start a fire. The presence of molten metal is another hazard to always have an eye on.

Wearing the right flame-retardant uniform jacket can be the easiest way to stay alive should a hazard at such a workplace lead to a critical incident.

2. The Oil and Gas Workplaces

Oil and gas are highly combustible and flammable materials that look for opportunities to burn. Workers handling these materials are always at risk of explosions or flash fires.

Exposure to chemicals is another added hazard. One small error can set the whole site ablaze, and an astray hot spark can bring the whole building down. Therefore, the workers must protect themselves during shifts with the right flame-retardant uniform jackets, which can extinguish flames from burning oil and gas, just in case.

3. Firefighters

A firefighter’s job description entails simply fighting open and uncontrolled flames on a regular basis. There can be explosions and spillages in the process. The fire always seems to fight back as the firefighter tries to stop it, and that’s why the whole process is called “firefighting.” It’s a highly risky job, but then a flame-retardant uniform jacket will boost the confidence of an average firefighter.

4. Pharmaceutical and Chemical Plants

Workers at pharmaceutical and chemical plants handle materials that can explode or cause flash fires at short notice after spilling or splashing. Pressurized liquids and flammable gases are involved. Chemical chain reactions after an accidental mixing of chemicals can result in a fire.

The workers, therefore, should be in protective gear such as FR uniform jackets.

5. Electricians or Workers at Electric Utility

Electricians and workers at electric utility lines face potential hazards such as high voltages. A technical or human error can result in an electrical arc flash, which can cause electrocution or burns. To be protected should an incident happen, these workers should wear flame-retardant gear, such as uniform jackets.


It’s best to always be prepared when operating in a workplace where fire breakout is a constant risk. The same is true when your workers are exposed to the same risk at your business. Keep them safe to the best of your knowledge.

Giving them fire-retardant uniform jackets will minimize their injuries and save you from having to settle huge compensation claims should an incident happen.

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